






6.将下面这段话翻译成英文 随着我国教育改革的不断推进,人们对教育质量的要求不断提高。教师作为教育事业



       Cherish the time

       Time is lacking beginning and end, and each person's life is limited, a person's time is limited. If a person's life has come to an end, so he has the time will soon come to an end.

       In the universe of 1 000000000 universes, the greatest, the most fair, most selfless time living in the most common and most valuable or time. Spring summer autumn and winter, year after year. Poplar blight, green again when the flowers withered, but there is a time of blooming. However, the life of a person only once. " Flowers are re-opened, no-one juvenile ", time also is such, step by step, section by section, never stop, " the Yellow River water to the sky, back to the sea ", transient.

       Therefore, we should cherish and your time. The ancients said, " the night lights even days, is the widespread study. Black do not know as early as hard, white the first study to regret later ", it is telling us : life is limited, must treat time as gold, do not take precious is time wasted, but while youth time to learn more knowledge, in their own the rest of one's life for a big catch. The ancients did so, do we not as good as the ancients?










       My Ideal School

       In my ideal school, students would be provided with a well-rounded education that goes beyond academics. The school would prioritize fostering creativity and innovation, offering courses in the arts and music. In addition, the curriculum should include practical skills such as financial literacy and time management. The school should also have a strong sense of community, celebrating diversity and inclusivity. Finally, the school should prepare students for the real world by offering career counseling and internships. With these characteristics, my ideal school would create an environment where students can grow, learn, and thrive.


       1. well-rounded (形容词) - 翻译:全面的;不偏科的

       2. inclusivity (名词) - 翻译:包容性;广泛性

       3. internships (名词) - 翻译:实习(工作)

       4. thrive (动词) - 翻译:茁壮成长;兴旺发达

       5. practical (形容词) - 翻译:实用的;实际的

       6. foster (动词) - 翻译:促进;培养

       7. innovation (名词) - 翻译:创新;革新

       8. diversity (名词) - 翻译:多样性;种类繁多

       9. curriculum (名词) - 翻译:课程

       10. counseling (名词) - 翻译:咨询;辅导







       My Ideal School

       In my ideal school, students would have access to a diverse range of learning opportunities. The school would offer classes in areas such as technology, environmental studies, and global cultures. Students would also be encouraged to engage in hands-on learning experiences, including field trips and service projects. Additionally, the school would prioritize building strong relationships between students and teachers, with small class sizes and regular mentorship programs. Finally, the school would promote student autonomy and leadership, offering opportunities for student-led initiatives and clubs. With these characteristics, my ideal school would inspire students to become lifelong learners, engaged citizens, and leaders of tomorrow.


       1. diverse (形容词)- 翻译:多样化的;不同的

       2. technology (名词)- 翻译:技术;科技

       3. environmental studies (名词)- 翻译:环境研究

       4. global cultures (名词)- 翻译:全球文化

       5. hands-on (形容词)- 翻译:实践性的

       6. mentorship (名词)- 翻译:导师计划;师徒制度

       7. autonomy (名词)- 翻译:自主性

       8. leadership (名词)- 翻译:领导能力

       9. initiative (名词)- 翻译:主动性;倡议

       10. engaged citizens(名词)- 翻译:积极参与的公民







       My Ideal School

       In my ideal school, students would have access to a quality education that fosters curiosity and critical thinking. The school would prioritize small class sizes to allow for individualized attention and engagement in classroom discussions. Teachers would be well-trained and passionate about their subjects, inspiring students to explore new ideas and ways of thinking. Additionally, the school would offer a comprehensive curriculum that includes not only core academic subjects, but also practical life skills such as financial literacy and digital literacy. Finally, the school would foster a culture of respect and inclusion, promoting diversity and understanding among students and staff. With these characteristics, my ideal school would prepare students for success in their future endeavors and create a positive impact on society.


       1. critical thinking (名词) - 翻译:批判性思维

       2. individualized (形容词) - 翻译:个性化的

       3. comprehensive (形容词) - 翻译:全面的;综合的

       4. financial literacy (名词) - 翻译:财务素养

       5. digital literacy (名词) - 翻译:数字素养

       6. inclusion (名词) - 翻译:包容性;融合

       7. passion (名词) - 翻译:热情;激情






       I am a Northeast Normal University Department of Physical Education of the 97 graduates, My name is XXX, "self-confidence, self-reliance, challenge, hard work" is my motto. House was born in teachers from an early age, I worship the division of human parents, hope that in the future as they can桃李满天下a coffin, saying a work, a harvest, after four years of training, the productive I hope that took the life of a new starting point, the wind and rain to receive the baptism of the future, career achievements.

       "Wind and the waves will be, the white Ji Yun-Fan Sea", my four-year university lived a full and challenging, from the very beginning of freshman year, I was appointed as deputy counselor teachers college party branch secretary, presided over the class Mission work, as a result of the efforts of my work, a serious and responsible, in the subsequent democratic elections in the whole class I was recognized as the official college branch block, in my three years of work, classes for three consecutive years by the city Excellent classes,优秀团支部school, and I myself have been named two consecutive years of outstanding cadres.


       As we can see from the chart, China’s higher education is developing quickly. There were only about on million college students when New China was born in 1949, while the number reached 4.5 million in 2002. Several factors have contributed to the development of China’s higher education. First, China’s rapid economic development, especially during the twenty years of reform and opening up, has laid a sound foundation. Second, the Chinese government has been trying hard to encourage the development of higher education. One of the measures taken was to increase college enrollment starting from 1999. Third, most people have begun to realize the importance of higher education.





        The teacher is great. Why? Because he teaches the flowers of his motherland. What he bathes with sunshine is the soil on the earth.

        He does his duty and uses countless nights to customize and educate students knowledge. The teachers heart is the light, the classroom is the candle, the students study in two bright places, none of which is warm, bright, harmonious, sunny and clean. The teachers heart is holy, the classroom is sacred, students in these two pure places to think, knowledge purifies our hearts, let us collect the essence of heaven and earth.

        Teachers Day is the most hard and happy day in the world to give back to teachers.






        We celebrate TeachersDay on the first Wednesday of September.The celebrations usually take place on Friday.All pupils show performances to teachers in the hall.Pupils present a lot of flowers to teachers.The most interesting thing is that teachers acting as pupils have a lesson with senior pupils acting as teachers.They teach,ask questions and play games as a usual lesson.Teachers usually behave badly,they are late,chew gum,talk to desk mates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the head teacher who is also a senior pupil.




        It is Teachers Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they dont want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time. I will be a teacher when I grow up.



将下面这段话翻译成英文 随着我国教育改革的不断推进,人们对教育质量的要求不断提高。教师作为教育事业


       首先要认真听课按时完成作业,其次在日常行为中注意礼貌,使用礼貌用语,行为文明,遵纪守法。最后有自己的看法想法,不要一味读书,灵活变通。How to be a well-behaved and well-educated student? First of all, we should listen carefully to the class and finish our homework on time. Second, we should pay attention to politeness in our daily behavior, use polite language, behave civilly and abide by the law and discipline. Finally, you should have your own opinions and ideas. Don't read blindly and be flexible.

       Along with the educational reform, people's demands for education qualityimprovement. Teachers as the main body of education, and teacher's teaching style, embodies the teachers' teaching art, has an important influence on thequality and level of the teachers teaching, teachers' teaching style as an important factor affecting the teaching level and quality, are increasingly subject to the attention of researchers. There are different teaching style, a style thatoneself, not only affects the teachers play a dominant position, through various ways, have a significant impact on students personality characteristics, mode of thinking, moral character and habits. To investigate the effect of differentultimate goal is in order to understand the types of teaching style and the style influence students', and the application of these characteristics to serve the education reform. Influence of the discussion on the development of studentsteaching style of this paper is from the teaching style characteristics, and to explore the use of flexible teaching style to promote the development of studentssignificance.
